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The course is intended for those who have little or no previous experience with software testing, but are planning to start with it. Everyone else who wants to take a look at the world of testers and thereby understand the nuances of testing and software development are also welcome. For example, product managers, head users, analysts, project managers. All you need is a desire to learn, the ability to use a computer on a daily basis.
Oman enam kui 10-aastast ulatuslikku kogemust IT-valdkonnas nii tarkvaraarendaja kui ka tarkvara kvaliteedi tagamise insenerina, lisaks veel tunnistused CTFL ja OCAJP.ARENDUSEKSPERT:Üle 3-aastane kogemus, mis hõlmab nii esi- kui ka taustaprogrammide arendamist.Üle 7 aasta pikkune kogemus testimise automatiseerimise alal, tagades tarkvaralahenduste kvaliteedi ja töökindluse.Java programmeerimiskeele ja sellega seotud raamistike, sealhulgas Spring Boot, Hibernate jne oskus.Kogemus relatsiooniliste andmebaasisüsteemidega, sealhulgas MySQL, PostgreSQL ja Oracle.Praktiline kogemus generatiivse tehisintellekti potentsiaali rakendamisel erinevate tarkvaratehniliste ülesannete jaoks ja toodetes, mille loomisesse olen panustanud.AUTOMATISEERIMISEKSPERT:Oskus ja kogemus automatiseerimisraamistikke algusest peale kujundada ja ehitada, mis on kohandatud nii REST API-de kui ka veebitoodete jaoks.Koostöö infrastruktuurimeeskonnaga jõulise jõudlustestimise raamistiku väljatöötamiseks ja juurutamiseks.Mul on võime iseseisvaks õppimiseks ja enesemotiveerimiseks, olles pidevalt kursis viimaste tööstuse edusammudega. Olen alati valmis kasutama võimalusi omandada teadmisi uute tööriistade, tehnoloogiate ja raamistike alal, soodustades minu oskuste kogumi pidevat kasvu.
To provide practical basic knowledge of testing. In order to continue testing studies, to prepare the learner for independent software testing, to start working as a junior tester under a mentor, or to use basic testing skills in their daily work (ordering software, product management, project management). Those who complete the course understand software systems and development processes. Can prepare and carry out various software tests by himself. Acquires knowledge of static testing, tests databases and APIs. Learns how to use error handling programs. Test reporting and version control. Test planning, management and static testing. API testing, database testing and test automation. The emphasis of the course is on practical knowledge and exercises - the content of both independent tasks and theoretical lectures is practically oriented and has been tested by the trainer in real life. The course contains 0% theory that is not useful in real life. The practical part is about 50%.
— Software and simpler IT systems, components
A brief introduction to hardware and an example of software structure based on a complex website. Grouping specialized software and understanding the need for their existence 0.5 academic hour.
– Overview of Software Development Process
Introduction to the most common Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) models: Waterfall model, Prototyping model, Iterative model, Spiral model, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban. Discussion of the 7 development phases 1 academic hour.
Seven fundamental principles of testing 0.5 academic hour.
Getting acquainted with quality and the user's perspective of the system with practical testing. Let’s talk about scope and the main goal 1 academic hour.
These are methods used in software development to describe how software is used from a user's perspective. Writing test cases and comparing them to the actual behavior. Creating test cases based on an existing system 1 academic hour.
Using built-in browser development tools. Covering the main testing techniques needed for website testing. In-depth coverage of different subtypes of black-box testing.
Equivalence partitions
Boundary value analysis
Decision table testing
State transition testing
User story testing 3.5 academic hours
Getting acquainted with the world's most widely used workflow management software. Will use it to simulate real-life scenarios in the software development process, where a tester provides feedback on the results found 0.5 academic hours.
Most commonly used methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, BDD 1 academic hour.
Defines the scope of testing: smallest component of the system -> entire system. Test vs. Live environments. Component testing -> Integration testing -> System testing -> Acceptance testing. 1 academic hour.
Functional testing answers the question of WHAT the system does. Non-functional testing answers the question of HOW the system does it 0.5 academic hours.
White or transparent box testing involves internal structure analysis. Black box testing is performed only by providing inputs and comparing results in the user interface or website. 2 academic hours.
Typically preventive testing to ensure the correct functioning of existing parts of the program 0.5 academic hours.
Reviewing all aspects that need to be considered for ensuring excellent performance in both cases 5 academic hours.
2 academic hours
1 academic hour
Test estimation or time estimation. How to do everything that needs to be done and how many resources it requires. Test strategies: analytical, methodical, process-compliant, driven, regression-resistant, reactive. 1 academic hour.
Using Postman software for API – application interface testing. Application interfaces are the most used solution for connecting systems (for example, an Instagram post appears instantly on Facebook) 3 academic hours.
All displayed information actually resides in databases. We perform primary queries to retrieve information. 2 academic hours.
Jira, TestRail, Trello, 1 academic hour.
A distributed version control system (DVCS) widely used for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is one of the most popular version control systems (VCS) and is widely used in the software development industry. 1 academic hour.
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