Do you wish to train your entire team or couldn’t find a suitable training topic in our training calendar?

We offer a variety of in-house training sessions across Estonia, tailored to your desires, needs and the specifics of your company. We conduct the training at a time and place that suits your employees.

All training sessions in our calendar can be conducted as in-house training. Additionally, you can order training on other topics. We provide in-house training in a wide range of fields: sales, customer service, management, teamwork, data protection, accounting, psychology, occupational health and safety, various aspects of the work environment, first aid, professional training, and more.

For more information and quotes, please contact us at or fill out the form below.


The Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA), in cooperation with the Estonian Association of Training and Consulting Companies and Juunika Koolitus, has prepared a guide for ordering training.


Order internal training

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