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Kaire on omandanud kõrghariduse TTÜ-s ja samas ka töökeskkonnaspetsialisti akadeemilise koolituse. Ta on AoEC poolt sertifitseeritud Executive Coach; Pikaajalise praktilise töökeskkonnajuhtimise ja personalijuhtimise kogemusega. Juurutanud ja juhtinud organisatsioonides töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse kvaliteedi juhtimissüsteemi ISO 45001. Läbinud Tartu Ülikooli täiskasvanute koolitaja kvalifikatsioonikursuse ja koolitaja kogemus aastast 2005. Omandanud WHO metoodikal Psühholoogilise esmaabi koolitaja oskused. Pidevalt arendab ennast erialaliitude ja ülikoolide veebinaride ja täiendkursuste käigus, osutades samal ajal ka praktiliselt eesti erinevates ettevõtetes tööohutuse – ja tööõiguse teenuseid. Keskendunud organisatsioonide juhtimise, juhtide ja töötajate arendamise, sh tööõiguse ning terviseedendamise (tööohutus, vaimne tervis, riskianalüüsid) teemadesse. Rahvusvahelise coachingu organisatsiooni ICF ja Eesti Coachingu Ühingu liige, Personalijuhtimise arendamise Ühingu PARE, Eesti Sisekoolitajate Liidu, Eesti Karjäärinõustajate Ühingu ja Täiskasvanute Koolitajate Assotsiatsiooni Andras liige.
Please enter the participant’s actively used email address in the form.We will send essential training information to this address (time, location, online link, practice and test details, certificate, etc.).
Continuing education institution Juunika Koolitus OÜ with registry code 10835266 has been registered in the Estonian Education Information System as an adult continuing education institution (Notice of Economic Activities No 218222 in Adult Education).1. General provisions1.1 Juunika Koolitus OÜ (hereinafter JK) organises work-related continuing education aimed at adults.1.2 The activities of JK are in compliance with the Adult Education Act, adult education quality assurance guide for adult continuing education institutions, guide for developing a continuing education curriculum, Continuing Education Standard, and the principles of organisation of studies drawn up by the institution.1.3 Continuing education courses take place in rooms suitable for study. In-work training takes place in the premises of the client or in rented rooms.1.4 Courses take place all year round. Training sessions take place according to the training calendar.1.5 The volume of training is expressed in academic hours, where one academic hour equals 45 minutes.1.6 Courses usually take place in a group format. Individual courses are taught based on an individual curriculum designed to meet the needs of the learner.1.7 Courses take place in Estonian, Russian, or English.
1.8 Courses take place according to the timetable published on the JK website.
1.9 JK shall not be held responsible for participants’ health condition or possible injuries.
2. Privacy policy and processing of personal data2.1 JK shall be responsible for processing your data. We follow the principles and requirements established by law when processing personal data. More detailed privacy policy and rules for processing personal data can be found on the JK website.
3. Curriculum groups
3.1 We offer courses in different curriculum groups:
3.2 Information provided in the JK public continuing education curricula:
4. Registering for training and formation of training groups
4.1. Registering for training:
4.1.1 Learners must register for a course in advance. It is possible to register via the JK website, email, Facebook, or by phone. All registered persons receive a confirmation email.
4.1.2 Registering for a course is also treated as a confirmation of paying the invoice. Usually, JK sends an invoice to registered persons after registration, but special agreements with customers are also possible.
4.1.3 Learners can request further information by contacting JK by the email published on the website.
4.2. Formation of study groups:
4.2.1 Study groups are formed following the order in which learners registered on the course. Study group sizes are different and depend on the continuing education course.
4.2.2 A list of learners is compiled in order to start a course. Before each course, JK will send practical information to registered persons.
4.2.3 JK is allowed to make changes in the course plan and timetable. Learners registered on the course are immediately informed about any changes.
4.2.4 If a study group does not reach a minimal number of participants, JK has the right to cancel or postpone any course until more people register. Learners registered on the course are informed of cancellation or postponement by phone or email at least one day in advance. I case of cancellation, registered persons receive a full refund or a credit to be used for a different course.
5. Starting and participating in a course
5.1 Learners who have been listed in a study group and have paid their course fees are allowed to start the course. It is possible to arrange with JK to pay the fees after the course.
5.2 Each learner must confirm their participation by signing the course registration form.
6. Completion of the course and exclusion procedure
6.1 Each learner is admitted on a course on the basis of a personal or a company’s training order.
6.2 A learner can be excluded from the study group upon his or her personal request or due to non-payment of an invoice issued to them. JK shall examine each case individually.
6.3 JK has the right to exclude a learner from a study group if he or she behaves improperly and/or disturbs or endangers other learners or the educator.
6.4 In order to receive the diploma, a learner must participate, depending on the course, in at least 81–100% of contact hours and successfully pass a test or another assessment laid out in the curriculum. 100% participation requirement applies to compulsory safety training courses. In the case of e-training, the learner has the opportunity to take the test up to three times. If learner cannot pass the test successfully within three times, the test is considered failed and the learner will not complete the training, and the learner will not be issued a certificate.
6.5 If the learner does not meet the conditions for successful completion of the training given in chapter 6, but still wants to complete the training and receive a certificate, the participant must pay 50% of the training fee again and complete the curriculum again according to the prescribed conditions.
6.6 If a learner participates in 51–80% of contact hours, they can request a notice to prove partial participation in the course.
7. The procedure of establishing course fees, offering fee exemptions and discounts, and awarding bursaries
7.1 The amount of the course fee is confirmed and published on the JK website by the manager of the continuing education institution at least 30 days before the commencement of the course.
7.2 Course fee limitations described in the curriculum are set separately for each course. The cost of the course fee shall not be increased but may be lowered in the context of discount offers.
7.3 When deciding to make course fee discounts, the continuing education institution may take into account the number of people registered on a course, previous completion of a course provided by the same institution, customer loyalty discounts, etc.
7.4 Course fees shall be paid on the basis of an issued invoice and by the due date indicated on it. Invoices are issued by email or as e-invoices.
7.5 If payment deadline is exceeded by 30 days and/or the payer ignores reminders sent out by JK, the unpaid invoice is forwarded to a debt collection agency for further processing.
7.6 Course fees can be paid in instalments if a relevant agreement has been made with the payer.
7.7 Course fees include contact hours, e-courses include online or presaved video, and generally also learning materials and a diploma, unless otherwise specified in course information. The availability of lunch and coffee breaks is subject to each course. Further information is provided in course descriptions. Lunch and coffee breaks are not included in the course fees for in-work training coursess, unless otherwise specified.
7.8 If purchasing a pre saved e-course, an access to course materials will be granted for 30 days. Prolonging the access to learning materials will cost 50% of the initial price of the training.
7.9 The price of in-work training courses is defined on the basis of a quotation that is not public to third parties. The continuing education institution is liable for VAT and therefore a 22% VAT is added to all prices.
8. Leaving a course
8.1 If a person registered on a course is unable to participate, JK must be notified immediately by email or phone available on the website.
8.2 If a person registered on a course is unable to participate (cancellation or change of date), JK must be notified in writing at least 5 working days before the beginning of the course. In case of a timely notice, JK issues a 100% refund or a credit to be used for a different course.
8.3 If notice is given 4–2 days prior to the beginning of the course, JK shall keep 50% of the paid amount as prepayment for next courses. Alternatively, the learner may choose to receive a 50% refund. If the issued invoice is not paid, 50% of it shall be payable.
8.4 If a customer quits a course (by cancelling or wishing to change the date) 1 working day before the beginning of the course or gives no notice of non-participation (does not show up), already paid course fees shall not be subject to refund and any unpaid invoice shall be payable in full.
8.5 If a customer quits an e-course before the granting the access to learning materials, JK issues a 100% refund or a credit to be used for a different course.
8.6 If a customer quits an e-course after the granting the access to learning materials, already paid course fees shall not be subject to refund and any unpaid invoice shall be payable in full.
8.7 Working days are Monday to Friday.
8.8 Course fees are not refundable if leaving part way through the course.
8.9 Leaving in-work training or changing its conditions is subject to a special agreement. Any costs incurred to JK (e.g. if the customer gives a late notice, JK must cover the study room rent, catering, transport, educator’s cost, printing, contractual penalties, etc. in full or in part) shall be payable by the customer.
9. Rights and obligations of the learner
9.1 The learner has the right to:
9.1.1 receive information about the organisation of study and the curriculum;
9.1.2 participate in a course described on the JK website in the volume, in the location and at the time intended, after paying the course fee;
9.1.3 demand a refund for a course cancelled by JK;
9.1.4 leave the course at any time before the end of the study period, being aware that refund is not available in such case;
9.1.5 receive a Diploma upon 100% completion of a course;
9.1.6 receive a Notice of Participation upon 51% completion of a course.
9.2 The learner is obliged to:
9.2.1 take good care of the learning materials and property of the training centre made available to him or her;
9.2.2 pay course fees in the amount and by the deadline shown on the invoice;
9.2.3 behave in accordance with generally accepted standards of morality;
9.2.4 act in accordance with applicable regulations and follow the instructions of the staff of JK or the training venue in case of an emergency (fire, flood, bomb threat, etc.).
10. Study materials
10.1 Training materials distributed during courses are protected with copyright. They are the property of the educators and JK. Training materials and their parts may not be used, distributed, modified, reproduced, exhibited, sold, rented, or shown in public without the written permission of Juunika Koolitus OÜ.
11. Issuance of diplomas, notices, and duplicates
11.1 Issued diplomas and notices are numbered and JK keeps account of them.11.2 Diplomas and notices issued by JK are in compliance with the Continuing Education Standard and contain the following information:
11.3 In case of participating in a first aid or a hot work training, the diploma shall include an expiry date after which the learner must complete a refresher course.
11.4 Various safety and professional training courses provide a diploma in the form of a plastic card. If a course does not include a plastic card, you can order it for an additional cost of €10 plus 22% VAT.
11.5 If a person who participated in a course loses a diploma or notice issued to them or it is destroyed, it cannot be replaced with a new diploma, only a notice that proves their attendance in the course.
11.6 The cost of issuing an English, Russian or another language version of a diploma, notice or plastic card for a course held in Estonian: €20 plus 22% VAT. The cost of issuing an English or another language version of a diploma, notice or plastic card for a course held in Russian: €20 plus 22% VAT.
12. The procedure of quality assurance for curricula, educators and study environment, and requesting feedback
12.1 The procedure of quality assurance for curricula, educators and learning facilities, and requesting feedback is described on the JK website under the section "Quality assurance".
13. Customer communication
13.1 The main language of customer communication is Estonian, with Russian and English available on request.
13.2 Customer service contact details are available on the JK website. We generally respond as soon as possible but no later than in two working days.
13.3 You can also contact us via the JK Facebook page.
13.4 If you have any complaints or questions, please contact JK customer service.
14. Income tax refund on paid training expenses
14.1 Income tax refund on adult continuing education training expenses and hobby training expenses is regulated by the Income Tax Act.
14.2 It is possible to claim an income tax refund for training expenses if the purpose of continuing education consists in the acquisition of vocational, occupational or professional competences specified in a professional qualification standard or formal education curriculum, or language learning. If a curriculum does not have such purpose, it is not possible to claim an income tax refund for training expenses.
15. Operating as a travel undertaking
15.1 Notice of Economic Activities No TRE000799 to operate as a travel undertaking has been issued to JK on 17.04.2015. (NB! Temporarily suspended from 01.04.2020.)
15.2 In the case of travel-related training, JK shall not be held responsible for the quality of services provided by partners, intermediaries, companies or individuals offering travel and accommodation services.
16. Force majeure
If organising a course is partially or completely impeded by force majeure, JK has no obligation to organise or complete the course, issue materials, notices or diplomas to the participants of cancelled or partially cancelled courses, or refund participants for the cancelled course.17. Terms of use of the JK website
17.1 These terms of use of the website (hereinafter the Terms of Use) apply to the JK website (www.juunika.ee) and the subdomains and subdivisions related to the website (hereinafter the Website).
17.2 By accessing the Website and using its content, the User agrees to the Terms of Use. The User is any natural or legal person who accesses the Website and uses the content of the Website.17.3 The User shall be responsible for the security of using the Website. 17.4 JK has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the data published on the Website are accurate and comprehensive, but JK shall not give any direct or indirect conformation about this being the case. JK shall be entitled to change any information published on the Website, including the Terms of Use, at any time and without prior notice.17.5 JK shall not be responsible for any possible expenses or damage caused to the Users by accessing the Website or by reliance on the information published therein.17.6 JK owns the Website. JK holds copyright of the data published on the Website unless other sources are quoted.
17.8 The data contained on the Website may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes, and the User of the data shall always correctly refer to the source of the data. Reproduction of the data, logos, photographs, etc. contained on the Website, in any manner and form shall only be permitted with the prior written approval of JK.17.9 The User is responsible for compliance with the above requirements, and non-compliance with the requirements shall be considered by JK as a copyright infringement. The Website may use trade marks owned by JK. Trade marks are protected under the Trade Mark Act and their use without the permission of JK is prohibited.17.10 For violation of the requirements laid down in clauses 17.8 and 17.9, JK is entitled to impose a contractual penalty of up to €30,000 on the violator and in addition claim all damages incurred.
18. Dispute resolution procedureDisagreements and disputes between JK and a participant or educator shall be resolved primarily by negotiations. If the disagreements cannot be resolved by negotiations, the dispute will be settled in Tartu County Court.
Further information:Tel +372 744 9600koolitus@juunika.ee
Work environment specialists, work environment representatives and members of the work environment council. Mid-level managers and employers who personally fulfil the duties of a work environment specialist in their organisation or company, as well as anyone interested in topics related to the work environment.
The organisation of occupational health and safety in the workplace is regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (new version effective from 01.07.2023), which obligates employers to provide occupational health and safety training for the elected work environment representatives and appointed members of the work environment council within two months of their appointment. Our occupational health and safety training is designed in accordance with the training and continuing education procedure established by the Ministry of Social Affairs regulation No. 50, issued on 22.11.2018, “The Procedure for Training and Continuing Education of Work Environment Representatives, Work Environment Council Members and First Aid Providers in Continuing Education Institutions.” This training is also suitable for new work environment specialists as an initial training course.
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