Eesti keeles
Classroom or Online training
19.-20. Feb 2025


kell 09:00 - 15:30
Tartu, Riia 35

Target group

First aid providers in companies, applicants for a driver’s license and firearms license, kindergarten and childcare workers, sports coaches and others for whom first aid training is mandatory. All other interested individuals are also welcome.

The employer must appoint at least one first aid provider from among the employees. Basis: Occupational Health and Safety Act, § 132. The 16-hour first aid training is prescribed by the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs regulation No. 50 (22.11.2018) “Procedure for the training and supplementary training of the workplace safety representative, workplace safety council member, and first aid provider in an additional training institution.” The employer must arrange training for the employee responsible for providing first aid in the company no later than one month after their appointment. The employer must send the first aid provider for refresher training every three years. Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs regulation No. 61 (24.09.2010) “Health protection requirements for health promotion and daily schedule in pre-school institutions” states that teachers and teaching assistants in childcare institutions must have the skills to provide first aid to children.


The aim of the training is to provide basic knowledge and practical skills for saving the victim’s life in the event of an accident and for providing first aid.

Topics covered

  • Assessment of an accident situation, actions in an accident situation (including managing panic), calling for emergency assistance, assessing the victim’s condition (including the risks associated with changing the victim’s position), the nature and general principles of first aid, specific considerations for providing assistance outdoors, and preventing further health damage.
  • Life-threatening conditions, recognising them, and essential actions (including in cases of heart attack, stroke and lung injury).
  • First aid in cases of unconsciousness – ensuring an open airway, preventing brain damage due to oxygen deficiency, removing foreign objects from the airways, and resuscitation (including the use of an AED device).
  • First aid for injuries – superficial and deep injuries to the body, internal and external bleeding, techniques for stopping bleeding, techniques and rules for dressing wounds, risks associated with fractures, rules for splinting and related risks, joint injuries (including dislocations and sprains), contusions and crush injuries to various body parts, and eye injuries.

What you will learn?

  • How to assess the victim’s condition and select the appropriate first aid strategy
  • How to use correct resuscitation techniques
  • How to stop bleeding and assist a victim in shock
  • How to identify the risks associated with fractures and immobilise the victim’s joint
  • How to provide assistance in cases of poisoning, corrosive injuries, burns and frostbite
  • How to consider your own and others’ safety when providing first aid


The training ends with a test, and those who pass successfully are issued a certificate recognised by the Labour Inspectorate, Transport Administration and other institutions.

Length of training

Classroom lecture with practical tasks, totalling 16 academic hours.

Price contains

The price includes training, practical sessions in the training classroom, study materials and electronic certificate.
